Indigenous Program
We have found that underlying the success of aboriginal
students at Hatzic is the building of strong relationships between home and
school. We work diligently to maintain positive communication with our
aboriginal families and encourage their participation in their child’s
education. Our focus is improvement in academic success and attendance. We
strive to meet the cultural needs of each of our students on an individual basis
through connections with community leaders and elders.
Academic success is enhanced by honouring the students who have
made improvements and identifying those who need extra support. Through
consultation with students as well as parents, we make an effort to understand
problems and find solutions.
All of our aboriginal students are personally seen throughout
the year to discuss their programs and give support or advice where needed. Our
interventions also include advocating with community agencies, mediating with
family or friends, transportation, providing food as well as counseling.
Aboriginal Garden
On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 the Aboriginal Garden at Hatzic Middle School
was opened with a ceremony attended by many people from the community and school
district. The school’s Environmental Team co-created the garden in the courtyard
with many native plants, Aboriginal artwork and an Aboriginal carving. The
students promote environmental awareness and help create and maintain an
inviting school environment for all students and staff. Their tireless efforts
make our community a wonderful place to learn and grow. Thank you to Lyn O'Grady
for her endless work and effort.